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3 Things You Need to Know About Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months + Register for The March Breastfeeding Cafe

Taya & Baby Mabel photo credit: four bees photography

Breastfeeding isn't always straightforward, so it's essential to have amazing support along the way. I find that there tends to be a lot of support for parents with newborns, but with older babies, breastfeeding questions are often overlooked. That's why I'm so excited to have Taya Griffin joining me as guest speaker at the March Breastfeeding Cafe, to answer questions about breastfeeding babies of all ages.

Taya is an incredible Lactation Consultant and mom of 2 beautiful girls. She is my go-to referral for all breastfeeding related issues because she is so gentle and caring, but also incredibly knowledgeable. Taya offers amazing Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes at West End Mamas (Register for her next session May 29th), as well as Private In-Home Education & Support, and sees clients at Kidcrew Medical & Dental Clinic.

As a little sneak peak to the amazing advice parents will receive at the Cafe, Taya has provided me with answers to 3 of the questions she gets asked most often about nursing an older baby and returning to work. This is amazing advice and so important for parents to know, so make sure you read it below.

If you want to join Me and Taya at the Breastfeeding Cafe at West End Mamas in March please Register Here. Remaining space is extremely limited, so don't wait! (Edited to Note that the Cafe is now Full! Please email care@with-care.ca to be placed on the waitlist.) *See post for full details

3 Things You Need To Know About Nursing Beyond 6 Months - By Taya Griffin

"As a Lactation Consultant who works in a clinic and community setting, I see babies of all different ages, and answer questions from mothers about nursing well beyond the first and second year. Breastfeeding an older baby is fun, as they are full of personality and their own special quirks, but it definitely comes with its own set of questions that are very different from the newborn stage! Here are three of the top questions that I get asked about nursing an older baby."

1) Do I need to pump when I go back to work?

"Should you be returning to work before the 1 year mark the answer is yes.  You will need to pump each time that baby feeds while you are away from them.  However the luxury that many Canadian mothers have of staying home for a year (and now 18 months for some mamas!) means that upon a return to the workforce there is no need to pump.  Baby will likely want to breastfeed as soon as they see you, and throughout their time with you, but while you are away your breasts will figure out that they are no longer needed. If mother feels some discomfort in the first few weeks of returning to work, hand expressing off a little milk will help to relieve the breasts until they get used to the time away from baby."

2) If I am still breastfeeding will my baby need cow’s milk? 

"This is one of the best aspects of breastfeeding beyond the year mark.  If your baby is breastfeeding at least three times a day there is no need to worry about them receiving any other kind of milk.  Between your breastmilk and a well- balanced diet they will receive more than enough of the vitamins and minerals that they need."

3) My baby won’t take a bottle – how will they drink liquid if I am not around?

"Health Canada’s new guidelines recommend that babies are introduced to a cup at the six month mark. Drinking from a cup, not a bottle, is a life-long skill that we all need and is better for the teeth and palate.  As a transition I have helped many families move from breast to doidy cup (a cup with a small spout) to an open faced cup with a lot of success." 

Thanks for this great advice Taya. For all of the local West End parents, don't forget to Register for the Cafe so you can ask Taya all of your questions in person. Plus we'll be doing fun Giveaway at the Cafe for some delicious Booby Boon Lactation Cookies. You can also get in touch with Taya directly via Email or call her at 416-996-0321 with any questions. 

- Care