4 Fun Free Family Halloween Events In the West End!

Halloween is such an exciting time of year with young kids and getting out to experience it with other families is so much fun. Last year Ben wasn't quite old enough to fully appreciate Halloween, but this year, as a mature preschooler, he is raring to go.

There are so many amazing family Halloween events throughout the city to check out, many of which are FREE! For my fellow West Enders I thought I would put together a list of a few community events that are happening over the next week in the Bloor West/Junction area. Hope you and your little pumpkins have fun!  

1. The Junction Pumpkinfest Saturday Oct 25th 2pm-6pm - Junction Train Platform

For Full Details and Schedule: http://thejunctionbia.ca/the-junction-pumpkinfest/

2. Toronto West Halloween Fest Sunday October 26th 10:30am-4pm - Bloor St West (Runnymede to Jane)

For Full Details and Schedule: www.torontowesthalloweenfest.ca

3. Toddler Halloween at Ravina Gardens Sunday October 26th 10am - Ravina Gardens Park






4. Pumpkin Walk in Vine ParketteSaturday November 1st 6pm-9pm - Vine Parkette. Bring your Jack-O-Lantern!

Hope to see you around the hood this week! Trick or Treat!

- Carolyn  


The Groaning Cake - Spiced Apple Cake


DIY Family Halloween Costume Inspiration