NEW Monthly Babywearing Meetup!

I've had so many requests for Babywearing advice from community parents, friends and family, I have decided to start a monthly West End Babywearing Meetup. Bring your babies and join me on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:30am-11am at Body Language Academy of Dance (272 Jane St). This is a FREE community event, open to all families. 

I've had so many requests for Babywearing advice from community parents, friends and family, I have decided to start a monthly West End Babywearing Meetup. Bring your babies and join me on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:30am-11am at Body Language Academy of Dance (272 Jane St). This is a FREE community event, open to all families.  *Please Note: As of March 2017 the West End Babywearing Meetup will be moved to West End Mamas at 2477 Bloor St W 2nd Floor. 

This casual gathering will allow local parents to meet, learn about baby wearing, chat about parenting and get some extra support. Don't forget to bring your own carrier (if you have one) so you can learn how to use it properly. Plus, feel free to try a carrier from my collection. I have a selection of carriers including Ring Slings, Woven Wraps, Stretchy Wraps, Mei Tais, Soft Structured Buckle Carriers & Backpack Style carriers. When it comes to baby wearing it's always ideal to "Try Before You Buy", so join me and find what works best for you and your baby. 

Hope to see you at our first baby wearing meetup next Wednesday November 16th (Calendar of Events). Feel free to send along any questions to or comment below. 

- Care 


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