Parenting With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care Care Sinclair

Halloween Safety Tips For Families With Global Morning News

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Please share this with anyone you think could use the tips. If you need any help and support keeping your kiddos safe, grab a spot in one of my Upcoming Family CPR & Safety Workshops.

I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy Halloween!

- Care

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Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair

Halloween Mini Sessions at Movies For Mommies Queensway with Anchor Studio *REGISTER NOW!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already almost the end of September! That means it’s time to start planning for Halloween with your kiddos. Getting an adorable photo of my kids in their costumes is always at the top of my list, but it can be so hard, especially on the big day. That’s why I love getting a pro to do the work for me in advance. With the pic out of the way, we can just enjoy the festive celebrations.


It’s hard to believe that it’s already almost the end of September! That means it’s time to start planning for Halloween with your kiddos. Getting an adorable photo of my kids in their costumes is always at the top of my list, but it can be so hard, especially on the big day. That’s why I love getting a pro to do the work for me in advance. With the pic out of the way, we can just enjoy the festive celebrations.

If you want to get a beautiful professional photo this Halloween season for your babe, join me for one of my 2 sessions of Complimentary Halloween Mini Sessions with Anchor Studio at Movies for Mommies at the Cineplex Queensway Cinemas. Photos will take place pre-show from 12-1pm on Wednesday October 9th and Wednesday October 23rd. (Movies TBD).  Sessions are complimentary for Movies Attendees (You must purchase a movie ticket to enter Cineplex and be eligible for these sessions), and high resolution digital images can be purchased for $25/file. 

Space is extremely limited for these sessions and always fills up fast, so please don't wait to register. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. 

Don't forget that Anchor Studio is one of my partners and offers 10% off to my clients. Just mention With Care when you book your session. 

Hope to see you at the Movies! 

- Care 

**Please Note: Sessions are for Movie attendees only. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. *

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Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair

Register NOW for Complimentary Halloween Mini Sessions at Movies for Mommies Humber Cinema

I know it feels like we just got through the back-to-school rush, but it’s time to plan for Halloween! Getting a sweet pic of your little one in their costume is such a fun way to mark each holiday. Since it’s not always easy to snap a great pic, I let the professionals do all the hard work. If you want to get a beautiful professional photo this holiday season join me for one of my 2 sessions of Complimentary Halloween Mini Sessions with Anchor Studio at Movies for Mommies at the Humber Cinema. Photos will take place pre-show from 12-1pm on Monday October 1st and Monday October 15th. (Movies TBD, I will update this as I know what’s screening).  Sessions are complimentary for Movies Attendees (You must purchase a movie ticket to be eligible for these sessions), and high resolution digital images can be purchased for $25/file. 

I know it feels like we just got through the back-to-school rush, but it’s time to plan for Halloween! Getting a sweet pic of your little one in their costume is such a fun way to mark each holiday. Since it’s not always easy to snap a great pic, I let the professionals do all the hard work. If you want to get a beautiful professional photo this holiday season join me for one of my 2 sessions of Complimentary Halloween Mini Sessions with Anchor Studio at Movies for Mommies at the Humber Cinema. Photos will take place pre-show from 12-1pm on Monday October 1st and Monday October 15th. (Movies TBD, I will update this as I know what’s screening).  Sessions are complimentary for Movies Attendees (You must purchase a movie ticket to be eligible for these sessions), and high resolution digital images can be purchased for $25/file. 

Space is extremely limited for these sessions and always fills up fast, so please don't wait to register. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. 


These are a few of my favourites from our previous Halloween sessions with Anchor Studio.


I love that Silvia still got a beautiful fall inspired shot when my preschooler refused to put on her costume.


Don't forget that Anchor Studio is one of my partners and offers 10% off to my clients. Just mention With Care when you book your session. 

Hope to see you at the Movies! 

- Care 

**Please Note: Sessions are for Movie attendees only. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. *

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Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care, Shopping With Care Care Sinclair

Halloween Mini Sessions at Movies for Mommies

I'm really excited/totally terrified to share this with everyone. A few weeks ago I was a guest on my first ever podcast. As someone who firmly hates listening to their own voice (I hear it's common), and who is a bit anxious about being an "expert" speaker (I know that's silly since i'm a midwife and teacher, but it's true), this was a bit outside of my comfort zone. I have know Amanda Laird, the amazing creator of The Heavy Flow Podcast for over a year now, since meeting at one of my CPR workshops that she attended with her partner and adorable daughter Maisie. Amanda and I hit it off right away and have stayed friends since, so when she asked me to be on The Heavy Flow I knew I had to toss my fears aside and do it. 

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much obsessed with seeing my kiddos in halloween costumes. They're always so ridiculously cute. Every year I try to capture a sweet photo as a memento, but I have learned over the years that it's best to do it before Halloween. That way I don't have to compete with their sheer excitement for CANDY! Snapping a good pic can be tough, so I love letting the professionals do the hard work. 

Halloween Anchor Studio Movies for Mommies

This month I will be hosting 2 sessions of Complimentary Halloween Mini Sessions with Anchor Studio at Movies for Mommies at the Humber Cinema. Photos will take place pre-show from 12-1pm on Monday October 16th (Battle of the Sexes) and Monday October 23rd (Movie TBD).  Sessions are complimentary for Movies Attendees, and high resolution digital images can be purchased for $25/file. 

Space is extremely limited for these sessions and always fills up fast, so please don't wait to register. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. 

These are a few of my favourites from our Halloween session with Anchor Studio last fall. As you can see Lucy refused to put on her costume (in true preschooler fashion), so Silvia and Tony rolled with it and made it a fall inspired session instead. 

Halloween Anchor Studio Movies for Mommies

Penny obviously rocked her costume.

Halloween Anchor Studio Movies for Mommies

Don't forget that Anchor Studio is one of my partners and offers 10% off to my clients. Just mention With Care when you book your session. 

Hope to see you at the Movies! 


**Please Note: Sessions are for Movie attendees only. Send an email to indicating which date you prefer, and a session time will be emailed to you. If all sessions are booked I will give you the option of being added to the waiting list. *

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Parenting With Care, DIY With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care, DIY With Care Care Sinclair

DIY Family Halloween Costume Inspiration

Every September as fall rolls in I think about Halloween and vow not to leave costume making to the last minute. However, every year on Oct 30th I'm scrambling to work my costume magic. 

Luckily this year I have a very eager preschooler keeping me on track. So when Ben informed me yesterday that "Halloween is really soon mama!" ...

Every September as fall rolls in I think about Halloween and vow not to leave costume making to the last minute. However, every year on Oct 30th I'm scrambling to work my costume magic. 

Luckily this year I have a very eager preschooler keeping me on track. So when Ben informed me yesterday that "Halloween is really soon mama!" I heeded his warning and hunkered down to do some brainstorming and research to figure out the perfect costume for our family. You'll have to wait till Halloween to see our final pick!

Do you need some Halloween costume inspiration?

Check out a few of our DIY family costumes from recent years, plus some other great links to costume ideas below. 


Halloween 2011 - Olive Oyl, Popeye & Swee'Pea


Halloween 2012 DIY - Prince Ronald, The Dragon & The Paperbag Princess


Halloween 2013 DIY - A Family of Garden Gnomes

I love making DIY costumes because they save us money and often use repurposed & recycled clothing & materials which means less waste for our environment. Although I love to sew, I don't see the point in spending a ton of time sewing a costume that will be worn for a matter of hours, so my Halloween DIYs usually involve a trip to the local thrift store and the craft store followed by lots of pinning, stapling & glue gunning. Crafting at it's finest ;)  Keep it simple and have fun!

If you need more inspiration check out these 32 Family Halloween Costumes That Will Make You Want To Have Kids , or these hilarious Sexy Halloween Costumes for Mom & don't miss out on these 34 Babies In Halloween Costumes The Whole World Needs To See

- Care

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Back to School AKA Happy Halloween!?!

One day into the school year and Halloween stuff is already lining the shelves at most big stores around the city. Don't panic! The stores like to pretend that Halloween is just around the corner so you stock up on treats (that you inevitably eat in the weeks preceding halloween & then have to replace), but really we still have 8 full weeks to prepare...

One day into the school year and Halloween stuff is already lining the shelves at most big stores around the city. Don't panic! The stores like to pretend that Halloween is just around the corner so you stock up on treats (that you inevitably eat in the weeks preceding halloween & then have to replace), but really we still have 8 full weeks to prepare. Totally doable, and yet I know I will blink and it will actually be Halloween. Time flies these days.

I try not to go too overboard with the refined sugary treats with my little ones (3 years & 11 months), but I love to make homemade treats & find great costumes for our whole family to have fun with. This week Benny asked if he could be a Lion for Halloween and it made me realize that I better start thinking about what I need to prepare for this year. We usually have a family costume (DIY) for parties, as well as individual costumes for trick or treating & kid's parties. This year is Benny's first year at nursery school so he's pretty pumped for his own kid's costume party. 

Buying costumes, especially for a whole family, can be down right expensive and when they're only worn once our environment pays the real cost. That's why I'm proud to partner with Eco-Outfitters Online for The 3rd Annual Toronto West Costume Swap! 



The Details:

1. Drop off your clean, gently-used costumes at Eco Outfitters Office between Sept 2, 2014 & Oct 2, 2014. Be sure to pin your name & email address to your costume so they can confirm your trade in.

2. Return to Eco Outfitters Online on Saturday Oct 4th 10am-6pm and shop for a FREE gently-used costume for your little one. 

*If you don't have a costume to trade in you can still shop the costume swap from 12pm-6pm with a minimum $5 donation to The New Mom Project

While looking through our past Halloween pictures I realized that Ben has been a lion several times...maybe time to trade in some lions for a new animal. Can't wait to see what we find!


Trick or Treating 2012 - Roar!


Trick or Treating 2013 - Roar The Sequel!

So grab your gently-used costumes & drop them by Eco Outfitters anytime this month to save money and the environment while still getting your kid an awesome Halloween costume. 

Have any questions? Contact Rebecca at Eco Outfitters Online via email  for more details.

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