The Magic of Menstruation with Amanda Laird - Register NOW for the June Breastfeeding Cafe

How much do you really know about menstruation and your body? So many menstruating people don't truly understand their cycles and what's happening each month, so I've invited Amanda Laird the host of the Heavy Flow Podcast to join me at the June Breastfeeding Cafe for a talk about the Magic of Menstruation. 

How much do you really know about menstruation and your body? So many menstruating people don't truly understand their cycles and what's happening each month, so I've invited Amanda Laird the host of the Heavy Flow Podcast to join me at the June Breastfeeding Cafe for a talk about the Magic of Menstruation. 

In this talk, Amanda (a Registered Holistic Nutritionist), will unpack menstrual myths, explain why the menstrual cycle is a vital sign and teach you what you didn't learn in health class. She will also address every new mom's most burning question: "when will I get my period back?!"

This is going to be a good one! If you would like to attend the Cafe on June 5th at West End Mamas and learn all about menstruation Register Here. Remaining space is very limited in this FREE Community Event, so please don't wait to Register. If your plans change and you can't make it, please email so we can open up your spot to another community parent who would like to attend. **Please Note that this is a FREE Community event, but this month Participants are encouraged to bring a box of tampons or a large purse to be donated to the Period Purse.

Also, if you haven't listened to The Heavy Flow Podcast yet, I highly recommend it. You can check out the episode that I was a guest on, as well as tons of other amazing episodes here. Enjoy!

- Care

**After this month the Breastfeeding Cafe will be on summer holidays and will resume in the fall. 

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