Car Seats With Care Care Sinclair Car Seats With Care Care Sinclair

Car Seat Safe Winter Gear - Does It Pass The Pinch Test? Featuring The Road Coat By One Kid (Video + Discount!)

Fall is here, so that means it’s time to start dressing for the weather. As a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and Mom of 4, I get a lot of questions about what’s safe to wear in car seats and booster seats. Parents are often surprised to hear that bulky gear (eg. snowsuits, winter coats, bunting bags, costumes, athletic gear) can lead to improper harness fit (and seat belt fit), and is not appropriate for use in our vehicles.

That’s why I’m very excited to partner with The Road Coat by One Kid to demonstrate, how we can test our current cold weather gear to check if it’s safe (using the simple pinch test). Plus we’ll take a look at what makes The Road Coat’s innovative design a safe choice for use in cars in cold weather. Watch Now + Get 10% OFF Road Coat Products* with code: 10%WITHCARE

Featured Road Coat Products

What Makes The Road Coat A Safe Option?

All of The Road Coats feature an innovative 2 layer zipper design and split collar that allows the harness or seat belt to lay flat on the shoulders and properly against the child’s body. Always ensure you choose the right size for your little one, never “size up” for any gear intended for car seat use.

Snow pants are available to match the down and arctic Road Coats, but are not to be worn in the car seat. All of the Road Coat products are made of beautiful materials. They are comfortable, lightweight, and compact. As a mom I love the robust zippers, and the little details like the stuff sack for storing each product.

I hope this video has helped you understand what your options are for keeping your kids safe in your vehicles this winter. For all the parents looking for a warm, safe, and convenient option, The Road Coat is a great choice.

Please leave any comments or questions below. Make sure to check out my other car seat safety videos for more info. Plus subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date on my new videos.

- Care

Featured In this video: One Kid The Road CoatArctic Coat & Snow Pants (Blue Coat & Black Pants In Video), Down Coat & Snow Pants (Purple/Pink Coat & Pink Pants In Video), Snow Suit (Grey Outfit In Video)

*Get 10% OFF with code 10%WITHCARE *cannot be combined with any other offers/sale items excluded/one time use only/cannot be applied to previous purchases

**This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.

***The information in this video is meant to help you learn about car seat safety. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. Please always read your vehicle manual and car seat manual to ensure all products used are done so in accordance with their guidelines. Always test all gear with the pinch test to ensure proper safe fit. If you need assistance checking your car seat, or choosing the right products etc. please reach out to me (, or another certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPSAC find a tech map).

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Parenting With Care, Car Seats With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care, Car Seats With Care Care Sinclair

Britax Grow With You ClickTight Harness-2-Booster Seat Installation + Review Video

Britax’s beautiful NEW lineup of Harness-2-Booster Car Seats have hit the Canadian market. I’ve partnered with them to test out and review the Grow With You ClickTight Harness-2-Booster Seat (the middle seat in their 3 seat lineup, comparison chart included below).

As a Child Passenger Safety Technician I find that most parents are frustrated by their car seats, and make installation errors because they get confused with so many steps. Britax’s incredibly simple ClickTight installation process helps parents feel confident about every installation.

Watch my video to get a full run down of what makes this seat effortless for parents to install and use, and awesome for kids! Plus, see exactly how this seat grows with your child. It currently fits both Penny (Almost 4 Years Old, 39lbs & 39” Harness Mode) and Lucy (6.5 Years, 49lbs & 47” - Both Harness & Booster Mode). Check out some photos below.

Penny age ~4 Years, 39lbs, 39” In Harness Mode

Penny age ~4 Years, 39lbs, 39” In Harness Mode

Lucy age 6.5 years, 49lbs, 47” In Harness Mode

Lucy age 6.5 years, 49lbs, 47” In Harness Mode

Lucy age 6.5 Years, 49lbs, 47” In Booster Mode

Lucy age 6.5 Years, 49lbs, 47” In Booster Mode

Please leave any comments or questions below and let me know if you have any other products or topics you want me to feature. Make sure to check out my other car seat safety videos for more info. Plus subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date on my new videos.

- Care

In this video: Britax Grow With You ClickTight Harness-2-Booster Seat

Shop Britax **Get 15% OFF the Grow With You ClickTight Harness-2-Booster Seat (Asher Colour) at select Canadian retailers Until May 20, 2020.

2020 US Harness-2-Booster Seat_Comparison Chart[1654].jpg

*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.

*The information in this video is meant to help you learn about car seat safety. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. Please always read your vehicle manual and car seat manual to ensure compatibility and proper secure installation and use. If you need assistance installing your car seat, or want to have your installation checked please reach out to me (, or another certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (find a tech map).

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Parenting With Care Care Sinclair Parenting With Care Care Sinclair

Halloween Safety Tips For Families With Global Morning News

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Halloween is so much fun, but having a ton of hyped up kiddos walking the streets and climbing stairs in costumes in the dark does pose some risk 😜 In order to keep our kids safe while trick-or-treating we should keep some simple safety tips in mind. I joined Jennifer Valentyne and the team at Global Morning News to chat about my top Halloween safety tips for trick-or-treaters, and some important tips for home owners. Watch this quick video to learn how to help make Halloween a fun and safe holiday for every child! (please note: one tip I didn’t get to fit in was to make sure all animals are well contained. Some pets will not react well to large groups of kids in costumes)

Please share this with anyone you think could use the tips. If you need any help and support keeping your kiddos safe, grab a spot in one of my Upcoming Family CPR & Safety Workshops.

I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy Halloween!

- Care

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3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families - In Partnership with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation (Video)

Summer is here! Time for outdoor adventures, endless fun, and a few extra scrapes & bruises ;) While summer is undoubtedly the most exciting season, it’s also one that requires some special safety considerations for our little ones. As a CPR & Safety Educator I love supporting parents to learn about family safety, so needless to say I am thrilled to partner with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation to bring you 3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families.

Summer is here! Time for outdoor adventures, endless fun, and a few extra scrapes & bruises ;) While summer is undoubtedly the most exciting season, it’s also one that requires some special safety considerations for our little ones. As a CPR & Safety Educator I love supporting parents to learn about family safety, so needless to say I am thrilled to partner with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation to bring you 3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families.

Watch this video to learn about preventing overheating and dehydration in our little ones (so important in our hot summer weather!), learn proper helmet safety for the whole family, and find out how to keep our kids safe on the playground. Parents are often shocked to hear about one of the most common, and preventable, causes of leg fractures in toddlers on the playground. This is a must watch for all parents!

I hope these tips help keep you and your family safe this summer season, but please know that when accidents happen, or your little one needs a check-up from a friendly neighbourhood doctor, the St. Joe’s Just For Kids Clinic is right here in our West End community ready to help. It’s Toronto’s first, and only, Paediatric walk-in clinic in a hospital setting. The warm friendly decor and design of the clinic, along with the interactive games and play area, make children feel comfortable and safe while they wait to meet with the paediatric health care team. If you’ve never accessed the incredible services that St. Joe’s has to offer, make sure to check it out. Follow @stjoestoronto on Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) to learn more about the health care services available to you and your family. Plus learn more about how you can help the hospital and foundation, so they can keep their promise to continue to provide the families in our community with the best health care possible.

Have a Happy & Safe Summer!

- Care

Read More about Keeping Our Kiddos Safe In Summer - Preventing, Recognizing & Treating Overheating & Dehydration

In This Video:

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation | St. Joe’s Just For Kids Clinic | Klean Kanteen water bottle: MEC | Contego water bottle: Costco | Coral Canasta Tote bag: La Patria | Walleroo Victoria Fedora: MEC | Thinkbaby SPF 50 Sunscreen: | Substance Sun Stick: | Green Beaver SPF 15 Lipbalm: | Alba Botanicals Kid’s Spray Sunscreen: | Giro Bike Helmets: Batemans Bicycle Company | Linen Ring Sling: Potter & Pehar | Kid’s sunglasses: Baby Banz | UppaBaby Vista Stroller: Love Me Do Baby & Maternity | Picnic Blanket: June Home Supply | Booster Seat: Fisher Price | Ora Outdoor Sectional Sofa: Article | Globber Scooter: Mastermind Toys | Haro Kid’s Bike: Batemans Bicycle Company

*Please note: The information in this video is meant to help you learn about summer safety. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. The information provided is not intended to override your health care providers recommendations for your individual child.

*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or products/services for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with companies, services and institutions that I genuinely love and want to recommend.

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What’s The Big Deal About Facing Rear? Learn About Safety, Anatomy and Myths Of Rear Facing Car Seat Positioning

It’s Child Passenger Safety Week, so it feels like the perfect time to talk about car seat safety. As a Child Passenger Safety Tech I know that every parent wants to keep their child safe, but the complexity of car seats and changing laws and recommendations can be very confusing for parents.

It’s Child Passenger Safety Week, so it feels like the perfect time to talk about car seat safety. As a Child Passenger Safety Tech I know that every parent wants to keep their child safe, but the complexity of car seats and changing laws and recommendations can be very confusing for parents.

I’ve partnered with Clek to bring you a video about Rear Facing positioning, and why extended rear facing is so important for our little ones. This is something I get asked about all the time at my workshops, in my community, and online. I really hope this video sheds some light on why recommendations have changed, and in turn helps you make an informed decision that works for your individual family. Click to Watch


If you want to learn more about safe car seat and booster use, check out this great handout from the Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada. Since all provinces and territories vary in their regulations you can get full details on current laws from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and a summary of other provinces and territories here. Plus you can access all of Transport Canada’s current recommendations here.

I hope you enjoy the video. Please comment below with any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, and don't forget to Subscribe to my YouTube channel

- Care

Resources In This Post:

Clek Foonf Car Seat: Available Locally at Love Me Do Baby & Maternity | Provincial & Territorial Car Seat Laws | Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada Car Seat Safety Brochure | Transport Canada Choosing a Child Car Seat or Booster Seat

*This is a sponsored post which means I was provided compensation and/or product for this post. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. I only partner with products and services that I genuinely love and want to recommend.

*The information in this video is meant to help you learn about safe car seat use. Please always read your car manual and booster/car seat manual to ensure compatibility and proper secure installation and use for your child. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. 

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Watch My Family 1st Aid Kit Video + Get My FREE Downloadable List

As a CPR & Safety Instructor I talk a lot about First Aid Kits. Plus, as a mom of 3 high energy kids (going on 4 this fall) I use my first aid skills pretty frequently. While there are lots of amazing pre-made kits in stores, most of them don't come with medications included (vs. in the US where they typically are included) so make sure you check what's inside to confirm before relying on it in an emergency.

As a CPR & Safety Instructor I talk a lot about First Aid Kits. Plus, as a mom of 3 high energy kids (going on 4 this fall) I use my first aid skills pretty frequently. While there are lots of amazing pre-made kits in stores, most of them don't come with medications included (vs. in the US where they typically are included) so make sure you check what's inside to confirm before relying on it in an emergency.

You can put together a fairly simple DIY kit for family use with some items you can easily get online, or from your local grocery store or pharmacy. Watch my video to see my basic First Aid Kit for everyday use with a young family whether around your home, cottage, camping, or on a trip.


Make sure you click the link below to get my Downloadable 1st Aid Kit List, so you can create your own 1st Aid Kit for all of your family adventures. Plus don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay up to date on all of my newest videos. 

If you want to learn more about my CPR & Safety Workshops click here. You can also email me directly ( if you would like to arrange a private in-home CPR & Safety Workshop. 

Don't hesitate to comment below with any questions, or send along ideas of contents that you like to include in your own 1st Aid Kits. I always love to hear new ideas.

- Care

In this post: Details of contents can be found in the comments of the YouTube video. Please click the link here to see the products featured. 

*The information in this video is meant to help you learn about first aid and safety. It is not intended to override the instructions given to you by your health care team. The information provided does not constitute individual advice or consultation and should not be used as such. 

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