3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families - In Partnership with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation (Video)

3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families - In Partnership with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation (Video)

Summer is here! Time for outdoor adventures, endless fun, and a few extra scrapes & bruises ;) While summer is undoubtedly the most exciting season, it’s also one that requires some special safety considerations for our little ones. As a CPR & Safety Educator I love supporting parents to learn about family safety, so needless to say I am thrilled to partner with the St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation to bring you 3 Summer Safety Essentials For Families.

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Keeping Our Kiddos Safe In Summer - Preventing, Recognizing & Treating Overheating & Dehydration

Keeping Our Kiddos Safe In Summer - Preventing, Recognizing & Treating Overheating & Dehydration

Summertime is so much fun with little ones, but it can also be a dangerous season if we don't consider how to keep our little ones cool and hydrated during extreme heat. Babies and young children have a smaller amount of liquid in their body, so dehydration can progress more quickly than in adults. Additionally, babies and young children can't sweat as well as adults, so they can have a hard time cooling their bodies down once they begin to heat up, putting them at higher risk of overheating. 

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